Home Security To Protect Your House| Cosmopolitan Projects

Home security

Home security ideas

Home security, and the importance thereof, is part and parcel of living in South Africa, so it is a very important consideration when buying a house. Homeowners should know what options are available to protect their households and valuables. In this article, we will look at some ideas to improve your home security.

The importance of home security

Some neighbourhoods are safer than others, but security should be non-negotiable, even if you live in a safer community. Never presume that your family or property is crime-proof. Safety at your house is of the utmost importance when a family member is at home alone. Burglaries at residential premises increased by 1% in quarter 4 of 2021. When Minister Bheki Cele questioned the management of the SAPS about this, the answer was that the police could not win the fight against crime alone; it is best if we also do our part by being vigilant and upgrading our home security.

Add security cameras inside and outside your house

Security cameras will increase your security, especially when connected to a mobile app so you can see what is happening at home from work or when you are on vacation. CCTV footage will also help when you must show evidence to the police of a burglary at your home.

Remember that modern technology also provides criminals with the means to hack into your cameras. Prevent this by adding motion detection, night vision, weatherproof casing and cloud storage to your cameras. This makes them easier to use and instantly adds extra protection to your home.

There’s always a spot in the yard that goes unnoticed by the homeowner. Try to eliminate all potential hiding spots, by filling them with immovable items, for example, to prevent burglars from blending into dark corners. Also, prune all the plants and trees in your yard and remove any large plants near the windows of your house; this will help to decrease potential hiding spots and easy access points.

Do alarm systems increase the security of your home?

Owning an alarm system can decrease the risk of being burgled. You will have constant protection, and some security companies also offer a 24-hour drive-by service where they patrol your area. There are different types of alarm systems, so make sure you install a system with a battery backup to prevent your electrical alarm from not working when there is load shedding.

Alarm systems can also be moved when you move to a new home, so it’s fine to splash out on the top-of-the-range system if possible. If you can, add special alarm features that can observe activities on your property and send notifications to your device that there are suspicious activities in your yard or house.

You should research what type of alarm system you can afford and if it will address your security needs. Remember that burglars can also steal alarm systems. Add an electric or barbed wire fence around your yard to prevent burglars from stealing cameras and other security systems. The more difficult it is for them to gain access to your property, the less you will be targeted.

Is lighting the answer to security at your home?

There are many lighting tips when it comes to home safety, but these few are important and can improve your security. Motion-sensor lights are not always reliable, as they may not always turn on when an intruder walks past them. It is better to install lights that stay on throughout the night and have constant lighting in your yard. Be sure to also light up those dark corners where someone may be able to hide.

Are you securing your valuables in your house?

Always keep your windows closed and secured when you are sleeping or not at home. This provides extra protection to you and your valuables by securing another entry point into your house.

Install a safe in your home to protect your irreplaceable valuables from burglars. Should burglars somehow bypass your security system, they will struggle to open the safe in the limited time before the armed-response services arrive, giving you peace of mind when you are away from your house. It also keeps your valuables out of sight should someone enter your home and keeps dangerous weapons, like guns, away from minors who could severely injure themselves or others if they get hold of them.

Burglar-proofing your house to upgrade security

You should also consider adding extra home security like burglar bars to your house’s access points, like doors and windows, to prevent easy access for robbers. A burglar gate provides a powerful barrier against intruders and guarantees your safety. Research what type of burglar gate you would like to install and ask the experts questions about their safety products to ensure that you buy the best security gate for your needs. Some burglar gates have a slam-lock function, so when it is forcefully closed, it will lock automatically, providing instant protection from intruders.

In conclusion, home security is essential in today’s day and age. Using these ideas will definitely increase the safety of your house. It is of the utmost importance to safeguard your property and your family.

Home security at Cosmo developments

At Cosmopolitan, we put the safety and security of our residents first by providing state-of-the-art, 24-hour security. Most of our developments also have a combination of or all of the following:

  • Burglar bars and doors
  • Biometric access control
  • Patrolling guards
  • Perimeter walls with electric fences
  • CCTV cameras
  • Motion sensors
  • Security beams