Emergency Repairs | Cosmopolitan Projects

Emergency Repairs

Emergency repairs during the first 12 months after you’ve taken ownership of your new house

Your new house comes with a 12-month warranty on all the plumbing – which includes the geyser, water pipes, taps and valves – and the electrical installations – including the stove, plugs, wiring and switches. The roof will also experience its first rainy season, which might reveal some leaks. Even though we test the bath, shower, electricity, etc., as thoroughly as possible before we hand the house over to you, specific issues, such as a leaking toilet, might only become evident after you’ve used it for a few months.

This 12-month warranty on your new house’s plumbing, electrical, geyser, stove, and roof installations means that we will repair any issues relating to these items that arise during the first 12 months after you have taken ownership of your house, provided it was not caused by misuse or alterations.

We call these issues emergency repairs. Other examples of emergency repairs are:

  • A geyser that causes your electricity to trip.
  • A geyser that does not heat the water even though the circuit breaker is switched on.
  • A stove that does not work or causes your electricity to trip.
  • Leaking pipes or taps.
  • A leaking roof.
  • Plugs that are not working.
  • Light or light switches that are not working.

We have a whole client-care team on standby to help in case you need an emergency repair.

Here are the steps you should follow to report an emergency:

  • Report it online at https://cosmo.co.za/clientcare/. This is the most effective route to report an emergency and get fast assistance.
  • There is also a QR code in your handover information pack and on notice boards throughout our developments that you can scan. It will take you to the same online form above, where you can log your emergency.
  • Alternatively, you can phone the following numbers during office hours:Cosmopolitan Johannesburg Client Care – 010 045 9000Cosmopolitan Tshwane Client Care – 0861 99 12 30
  • Cosmopolitan Johannesburg Client Care – 010 045 9000
  • Cosmopolitan Tshwane Client Care – 0861 99 12 30

Once you have logged your emergency repair request on our client-care system, we will contact you within 12 hours to arrange for a contractor to come out and do the repairs. The contractor will do the repairs within 24 and 72 hours after you’ve logged the request (excluding weekends).

Please note that we only supply this emergency repair service during the first 12 months after you have moved into your house. After the first year, all repairs of these items become the full responsibility of the homeowner.

It is also important to note that any alterations you make to your house’s plumbing, electrical, geyser, stove or roof installations will invalidate these warranties.